3 Real ways to make money online in 2019 (no surveys)

Search the web for “how to make money online” and most results will be pretty irritating. They will end up sending you somewhere to complete a survey or another waste of your time.

The internet is full of scams. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t real, legitimate ways to make money online. I’ve been making money online for years now, so I can personally attest to some of these ways of making money. 

1. Upwork

Upworkis a place where people with skills or people in need of skilled people go. It’s great because it’s a very active place with new jobs being posted all the time, and there are always an abundance of applicants for those jobs. While that’s good for the people seeking workers, it’s not so great for the workers. 

If you do go looking for work on Upwork, make sure your profile stands out and has all the suggested parts like a resume and cover letter. Make sure to personalize your cover letter for each employer you apply to.

2. Drop-shipping

This way of making money takes a lot of work. But it also probably has the largest possibility of making you a lot of money if you get it right.

You have to make and sell your own products and attract your customers but if you can do that, your potential payoff is amazing. Successful Drop-shipping is like the definition of passive income.

3. Blogging

Blogging is what I’ve been doing for years, and there really is money in it. Since this is the topic that I know most about from this list, I’m going to go a little more in-depth. I know what it takes to be successful as a blogger, and all the work that you have to put in.

Running a successful blog is by far the most complicated option out of all these. But it just feels good once you start being successful.

First you have to start your blog. This means getting the domain, setting up the website, setting up all your social media accounts, and populating with content. Writing the content is what will take most of your time. Once you’ve done that, the work is far from done.

To be successful, here are few other things you HAVE to do.

  • Submit Sitemaps to Google and every other search engine.
  • Share every post to social media, hopefully with relevant hashtags
  • Grow an audience (easier said than done. This requires creating good content and engaging with your community).
  • Reach out to content creators (you can’t do this on your own. You need the help of others and thankfully, there are writers who will contribute even if you can’t pay them).
  • Don’t rely on Google Adsense or another similar program (that is not how you make real money when you start out blogging. Make it apparent on your website that you are open to “sponsored posts”).