With the release of certain games recently, many have seen the adaptability of the gaming industry, and how games can be used to adapt other kinds of art and culture. With Slasher Vol 1: Summer Camp, the industry may tackle cinema this time, adapting Friday the 13th. This is a new concept, since up until now, horror games have been made to scare, but never replicate and actual film.
According to IGN, the game will be multiplayer, and is planned for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. 6-7 players will be able to play as “The Killer,” or a group of teen councillors in the seemingly serene Camp Forest Park. If this sounds familiar, then so will all the other contributions from Kane Hodder, the actual Jason Voorhees. Down to the low-budget lighting, his intention is to make the game feel immersive.
“The Killer” has an arsenal of weapons and can use the surroundings for environmental kills. The councillors will have to use stealth and evade him, all while watching their noise levels. They’ll have to decide whether to stay together, or split up. Either way, they’ll reap rewards, and suffer consequences for their actions.
Whether they’ll succeed in paying proper homage to the Friday the 13th series remains to be seen, as the game is still in early development. They do, however, have a good chance since Hodder is collaborating, and the overall concept is both fresh and innovative.
Whether players, especially the younger generations, receive a cinema adaptation as a game with chagrin, or excitement, also remains to be seen.