Don’t Be A Vulnerable Employee January 17, 2020I would venture to say that most people who are laid off or fired from their job are...FeaturesLife
What Kanye’s Faith Means For Our Culture November 16, 2019Kanye’s new album, Jesus Is King, has been out for some time now. I wanted to time this...CultureFeatured
7 Reasons Why Star Wars Episode IX Has To Be Good August 29, 2019August is almost over and Star Wars is in the air. Too soon to begin celebrating something that...Film
How To Easily Start Your Own Podcast July 9, 2019Have you ever wondered how to start a podcast? Well in 2020, it’s easier than it’s ever been...FeaturedThe Web
How To Grow Your Blog in 2019 July 7, 2019I’ve built a lot of blogs throughout my career. And the most difficult part about a blog isn’t...FeaturedThe Web
Analytics is about more than just numbers July 5, 2019Analytics are an incredible asset to marketers. They give us all sorts of information about who’s viewing our...FeaturedMarketing
Let’s Talk About Kings Kaleidoscopes New Album ‘Zion’ April 6, 2019Kings Kaleidoscope has been one of my favorite bands since I first heard “Becoming Who We Are” in...Music
‘A Little Bit Of Faith’ by Kings Kaleidoscope March 17, 2019Kings Kaleidoscope is one of our favorite bands here at Oatboat. They’re just really good. So anytime they...FeaturesMusic
This New Hillsong Young & Free Song is Sooo Good | ‘Days Gone By’ Hillsong March 9, 2019I’ve always been a big Karina Wykes fan because she’s just good. But this latest song she made...MusicVideo
Why can’t EA just make a good Star Wars game? | EA Star Wars Games February 17, 2019EA Star Wars games have been around for a while, but I don’t think they’ve found their groove...Gaming
iPhone needs a Finder-like application December 27, 2018iPhones are the best phone out there (sorry faithful android users). But they could still be improved. One...Technology
How to rank in Google in 2019 December 27, 2018SEO is incredibly important for any website. And the best strategies for it change all the time. So...How-toTechnology
Penatibus Nulla Ut Sit Etiam Sociis Nisi Porttitor December 25, 2018Aenean eleifend ante maecenas pulvinar montes lorem et pede dis dolor pretium donec dictum. Vici consequat justo enim....Uncategorized
A Pretium Enim Dolor Donec Eu Venenatis Curabitur December 22, 2018Aenean eleifend ante maecenas pulvinar montes lorem et pede dis dolor pretium donec dictum. Vici consequat justo enim....Uncategorized
Should you work from home? December 5, 2018Working remotely is becoming a more common thing with each day that goes by. So the question “should...FeaturesLife
What God Do Jews Worship? November 26, 2018What God do Jews worship? It’s a good question, and many Christians may wonder what the answer is....Faith