Windows As A Service May 8, 2015It’s been reported that Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows. For those immediately concerned, perhaps...Technology
Valve Lets Developers Ban Cheaters On Steam April 30, 2015Officially announced today, Developers can now use their own detection system to identify and permanently ban anyone using...Gaming
A Look At Anvil Drop’s Anomaly 1729 April 24, 2015Based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, with a remote, dedicated team of developers, including yours truly, Anvil Drop’s...FeaturedGaming
Gaming On Your Wrist? April 24, 2015The Apple Watch app store launched yesterday in preparation for the Apple Watch rollout today. The new app store...GamingTechnology
Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture Trailer & Song Release April 16, 2015Upon hearing “The Mourning Tree,” the debut song from the upcoming game Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, you...Gaming
Slack Now Valued At $2.8 Billion April 16, 2015Slack, the ever-growing collaboration tool for companies big and small is now valued at 2.8 billion.Up from its $1.12 billion...FeaturedTechnology
You Should Be Excited About Battlefront April 15, 2015I’ve been playing Battlefront since the beginning. So the idea of a modern relaunch of the game is...FeaturedGamingUncategorized
Don’t Expect a Post-Credits Scene After Avengers: Age Of Ultron April 7, 2015(There are a couple of spoilers regarding the credits scenes in previously released Marvel films below so if,...Film
Anthony Bourdain Is Going On Tour and Coming To These Cities April 7, 2015Anthony Bourdain, the host of CNN’s Parts Unknown and author of the soon-to-be-a-major-motion-picture novel “Bone In The Throat”, is...Food & drink
The Last Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Before Release Is a Doozy April 7, 2015Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters on May 1st, which means the marketing machine is being fully cranked...FeaturedFilm
Call Of Duty Top Player Taking Break From Game April 6, 2015Matthew Haag, a.k.a “NaDeSHoT” has decided to take a leave of absence from Call of Duty. Haag was...Gaming
Playstation Home Shuts Down April 1, 2015No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke, Playstation Home really is officially closed. This should come as no...FeaturedGamingNews
The New Mad Max: Fury Road Trailer Is Insane! March 31, 2015It’s been thirty years since the George Miller directed the last Max Max film, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Since then, he’s...Film
Spotify Comes To PS4 And PS3 March 30, 2015Now PlayStation players can log in to their Spotify accounts on their gaming consoles. PlayStation recently decided to...FeaturedTechnology
Of Monsters and Men ‘Beneath The Skin’ March 27, 2015A little over a week ago, Of Monsters and Men released “Crystals” a song from their upcoming album...Music
Why The Apple Watch Won’t Succeed March 25, 2015As I watched Apple announce their newest product, the Apple Watch, I couldn’t help but laugh. I can’t...Technology