Why the NSA won’t be reformed anytime soon
It seems like yesterday that Edward Snowden, with the help of the guardian newspaper, published highly classified information...
Boy lived in Siberian wilderness for 16 years
Russian officials have discovered a 20-year-old man who has been living in the wild for 16 years. The...
Watch Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech
Watch the historic speech Martin Luther King gave on August 28, 1963....
What PRISM for citizens would look like
What PRISM would look like if it was a public application. ...
Watch: California Air National Guard Rim Fire Videos
These videos give us a look into Yosemite and the terrible fire that is consuming the area....
Should we trust Google?
Over the last few months especially, online privacy has become a major issue. The big tech companies have...
In a world with eReaders, books are still far from dead
With Kindles, Nooks, iPads, and the many Android tablets that offer digital book reading, one would think physical...
The Man That Leaked Top Secret Government Programs
Everyone has heard of Edward Snowden. He’s the NSA contractor that leaked troves of classified information relating to the...
Are Video Games Partly To Blame For Our Culture Of Violence?
Video games get more realistic every year. The graphics many of the modern games are sporting is really...
So, does iOS 7 suck?
iOS 7 was unveiled just a short while ago. Since then, the internet has exploded with opinion. Some...
Best family dog breeds
There are so many dog breeds out there. It can be difficult to know which breed is right...
Is the Xbox One worth it?
The Xbox One was unveiled awhile ago. It has quite a few new features that the old Xbox...
Motorcyclist saves coffee cup
In a LiveLeak video, a motorcyclist saves a cup of coffee thats stranded on the bumper of a car....