Trump’s Got This: Why Donald Trump Is Likely Our Next President Chance M.·May 3, 2016Last year, I wrote about Donald Trump extensively. Most of those articles can be found on The Inquisitr....OpinionPolitics·0 Comments·0·87 views
Let’s Settle This: Star Wars Prequels Vs Original Trilogy Chance M.·November 28, 2015The title of this article is certainly ambitious, but I have no intention of changing anyone’s mind. You...Film·13 Comments·1·2873 views
Carl Lentz May Be One Of The Least Informed Pastors In Existence Chance M.·August 4, 2015Carl Lentz is the lead pastor of the Hillsong NYC megachurch. Last year, he spoke with CNN about homosexuality...Opinion·0 Comments·1·1004 views
How A Libertarian Views The Supreme Court’s Ruling On Gay Marriage Chance M.·June 28, 2015The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that gay marriage is a constitutionally protected right on Friday....Opinion·0 Comments·0·89 views