Dishonored Definitive Edition To Be Released Late This Year

Bethesda’s stealthy action-adventure Dishonored may be coming to a new-gen console near you late this year. Lately, rumors have been circulating that Bethesda has submitted the game for classification. The details can be found on the Brazilian Advisory Rating System website.

Originally, Dishonored was released for Xbox 360, PC, and PS3, back in 2012. A year later, Bethesda released the Game of the Year Edition, which included all DLC. Hence, it doesn’t make much sense for them to continue releasing content unless it’s for PS4 and Xbox One.

Many are expecting for more details to be released next month, at E3, but that remains to be seen.

Regardless, this does come as a consolation for many, since Dishonored 2 will not be shown at the conference, according to This is also the site that claims an anonymous source explained the game is simply too far off, and needs much more time before anything can be shown.

All the speculation doesn’t come as a surprise, since Dishonored got raving reviews from IGN (9.2) and Metacritic (91), among several others. Game Informer compared the game’s elements to Deus Ex, Thief, and Bioshock. Gamers want a second Dishonored, and are awaiting the game’s official announcement and release for a reason: because it was immersive. The game’s narrative was captivating, and despite reading and watching countless revenge stories, somehow, Corvo’s felt fresh.

There are more details to come next month. Until then, everyone’s awaiting further details.